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Education provision

Donating towards education is sadqa jaria (ongoing charity) so please consider donating generously. 
 In the developed countries basic education to a certain age is compulsory hence the literacy rate in the developed countries is above 98 % and in the developing countries the literacy rate is much lower. Even though the state schools in most developing countries provide free education but stationery, uniforms and transportation have to be borne by the parents, for low earning parents paying these expenses is not possible so as the children reach the working age they are sent out to work.
Crescent Relief (London) is supporting such families by providing them with monthly cash for all expenses in relation to their education. We also have sponsorship scheme by which donors are sponsoring children’s education and bear their monthly expenses.   
Crescent Relief (London) has initiated a project of building an institute, in Mirpur, Azad Kashmir, where apart from other facilities, young people will be provided short courses in various technical trades, and students who successfully complete a course will be provided with the basic tools needed to set up their own businesses and hence promote self-employment and self-reliance.

Investing in education is investing in future generations. We thank you for your continuous support.

A variety of educational books being distributed

Computer Classes given in the Technical Institute in Mirpur, Azad Kashmir

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